Tuesday, February 5, 2008


On Feb. 5, 2008 there is going to be a lot of people who will either vote or will not vote. I will be voting today after work. As for those who choose not to vote, they are the ones that I find that will say something about who becomes president. As I was coming to school this morning, I was listening to the radio, and they were talking about how many people will vote and how many will not vote. The one thing that I found very interesting is that there are more youths that are voting than there has been in a long time. There has not been that many youths that have been voting in the past few years and now there are more and more youths that are voting. When you think about it...it is the youths that are the ones that are the future and the earlier they start to to vote, the more that they will learn.

I started to vote when I was 18. I did not want someone to say to me that I could not voice my opinion on someone who was voted into office because I did not sign up to vote. I want people to know what I was thinking when I was 18 and even today this day I want people to know what I am thinking and I will voice what I thinking. There is nothing wrong with someone saying what is on there mind and that is why I will say what is one my mind about someone who was elected into office if they are not or are the person that I voted for.

Having more and more youths vote, it is almost saying that they are not going to let someone rule their life anymore. That they are their own person and they want people to know who they are voting for and who they think so be in office. The youths are the future and there needs to be more people that need to vote. Everyone has the right to vote and if you vote, then you should have the right to say what you have to say about the person who is in office, and if you don't vote, what right to do you have to say something about who is in office. If you want your voice heard, then you need to vote!!