Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tuition Rates

How are tuition rates decide? Is there some type of formula that the state uses to be able to determine how much the tuition rate should go up? Or is it just a guess on how high it should be?
Whenever you hear about tuition going up again, you never hear or see how they are figuring out the rate of percentage of how it goes up. It does seem like they just say. “Ok it will go up 10% this time, and maybe 15% next time.”
How is tuition figured out in the first place. I know that I have seen it but I really don’t understand it. Do we need to take a class to help us to better understand how tuition works and how it goes up every year?
When tuition rates go up, who are the ones that are more affected by it? It is anyone who goes or works at the school. The reason is because when the rate goes up it means that students have to pay out more, and if students have to pay out more than they will not want to stay at the school or stay in school for that matter. With that happening, then teachers lose out on classes because there are no students to teach. This means that teachers could lose their jobs or have a big pay cut.
When you put all of this together, then you have people losing out on money because they cannot work.
So the question comes up again…how is tuition rates going up determined? I have never seen a formula that shows how to determine how much tuition rates should go up. Have you?