Tuesday, March 25, 2008

No More Milk For You, Only One Glass A Day

Ok so I have to ask this one little question…how much money does the government think that we really have?

That is a question that I would really love to have answered because it seems that the government thinks that we just have money coming out of our butts? What do they think that we can just throw away our money? Doesn’t the government know that we are not making that much of a living that we can not spend about $1.50 to buy eggs, almost $5.00 for milk, and what is flour running this days? An arm and a leg? Or is that everything altogether? Doesn’t the government know that there are kids out there that really do like to have milk when they get home, or are going to bed? Or do they just like to see the little people, meanly middle class people, struggle just to make ends meat?

To me it just all seems that the government does not care at all that price are going up way to much and that there are some people that just can not make ends meat. All that the government cares about at times, at least that is what it seems to me, is how much money they can spend on the war. What about the kids, the future of our world? What about that? But wait, they are more than likely thinking, how many of those kids want to go into war for us?

I was reading an article in the Journal form March 19. The articles title says it all, “Feeling The Food Pinch” by Susan Stiger. What I read is something that I just could not believe. You have eggs going to by 37%, milk is up by 29%, and then you have flour going up to 6.5%. To me, those prices just to buy what you in are so crazy. I now see why so many people are stealing milk, eggs, and flour and even other things that they need to stay alive. What is even worst is when a mother has to tell their child that they can not have milk. That to me is so bound work that there is be someone going to jail for it. I know lets have the government go out and buy food and as little as having only $30.00. Do you think that they can do it? I don’t think that they can do it only because they don’t really know how hard it is for those who do not make any money at, or at least that is what it seems like, to make it in our world.

It seems that the government is just so happy to take our money that they just have to take our food and milk. What child should go without milk because it cost too much? I have never heard of a mother telling their child that they could have milk and they have to have only water. Or I have never heard a mother tell a child that they can have only one glass of milk a day. To me that just seem like the child did something so the mother is taking away a toy.

I really don't know what is worst. The government raising prices, or someone stealing food just to live? What do you think is worst?

I would have to go with the government!!!!

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