Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Save Your Dough for Bread"

"Save Your Dough for Bread" by Betsy Blaney

$1.32-$1.03= $0.29 is how much wheat prices have gone up since February of 2006 thats in pounds from within the last month. In 1998, selling of wheat was only 85 cent a pound but now it cost just as much as buying a coke from the coke machine.
I was reading the Journal the other day, March 15, when I say the article about wheat prices going up and how much it effects everyone. But wheat bread is not the only price going up so is white bread. Usually a bushel of wheat would cost anywhere from $3 to $7 dollars but now almost cost $18 a bushel. That is a major jump.
But to make it worst on everyone food prices are also going up. The food prices have gone up from 2.5 to 4 percent, that’s 1.5 percent. But it could still go up to anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 percent . That is a lot for someone who can not afford to pay food and if they can’t afford to buy food, that is when they start to steal the family and in most cases they are taking the food for the family that they have to feed.
So now this brings up the question how are families going to live if they can not afford food? That is the one question that is always asked when prices go up on food.
Wheat is in everything that we use and we need to live, so people have no choice but to buy, even if it does cost too much and they can not afford it. There are just some things that some people will go without just to be able to pay bread even if the cost goes up to being almost an arm a leg to buy it. There is one thing that people can not live without and that is food, so they will do whatever they have to do to have food.

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