Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tax-Rebate...worth it or not??

So Bush is offering a tax rebate to give most tax filers anywhere from $600 to $1,200 to families and there is the possible that there could be more if you have kids and then they could get more money if they have more kids. But there is a problem with that because some people say that they have more kids then they do just to get more money when they file for their taxes.

But that is not of what I am going to talk about. I am going to be talking about what is the price of accepting the tax rebate? I know that last time that there was this tax rebate, there was a tax put on if you cashed in the check. What is the point of the tax rebate if they tax the tax rebate? That was just a lie, and now Bush says that this time there is not going to be a tax on the money that you get but yet how can you believe that.

When you have about 116 million families that are getting a check and lets say that they checks are worth $1,000 then to have to tax that. You have 116*$1,000= $116,000.00 then you have to tax that. When you tax that, and you have to pay back about $500 or more on the tax rebate that is to be a tax break.

Then you have 35 million workers that will also be getting a check, those check should be worth about $28 billion in total and how much of that tax rebate will the government make more off of the tax rebate because the government still taxes the rebate.

This how the government is going to break down the tax rebate refunds- individual paying income taxes should get up to $600, working couples should get about $1,2300, and if you have children then you will add additional $300 per child but that is all under the agreement. Then you have those workers that who make lat least $3,000 and they don’t pay any taxes then they will get about $300 in a tax rebate. When you add up all the totals of the rebate, it should come up to about $100 billion dollars, but wait businesses also will get a tax rebate that should total about $50 billion.

I just want to know where they are going to be getting this money from with paying for everything. I mean just paying for the war is costing a lot of money and it seems that all the money that goes into the government just go out to the war. It is almost as if there is no money for anything yet there is money to do a tax rebate that will mean more than likely that the people will have to pay it back in there next tax season.

“The rebates would phase out gradually for individuals whose income exceeds $75,000 and couples with incomes above $150,000, aides said. Individuals with incomes up to $87,000 and couples up to $174,000 would get partial rebates. The caps are higher for those with children.” This is what the AP reported in which the daily lobo posted it in the newspaper. What happens if someone does not meet these caps, then what do they get? Is it far to give only those that meet the cap the tax rebate or is it far to give EVERYONE the tax rebate? I go with giving everyone the tax rebate not just those that meet so cab because that is what they government says that needs to happen.

There are so many different things that are wrong with these tax rebate that I don’t know where to began but one thing is for sure, how much do we have to pay back for cashing this checks?

I go for not worth it!!

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