Friday, May 8, 2009

Disapproval of Bush Unwavering

"Poll Finds Disapproval of Bush Unwavering"
by Megan Thee-Brenan

OK so if you are someone that really did not care about the the last president that we had or you started to think that just maybe he is not the right person for the leader of the US, you are just about like everyone else out there. As the time went on and as people started to really see Bush more and more, they started to realize that just maybe there was a mistake in reelecting Bush as the president. Even when Bush left office, he had no evidence that they public had any support for him and there was no show of confidences in Bush when he left office.

In a nationwide telephone poll done by New York Times/CBS, they did a poll about 1,112 adults starting on Sunday thru Thursday were there was a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3% points.

When doing the poll they found that when Bush was leaving the office, he was the lowest of any presidents since they started to poll as the president left office. In the last 8 years that Bush was in office his rating dropped to 22% were there was about 73% that disapproved of the performance over his two terms. That is the lowest from any president of the course of the years. I don't think that i have every heard of a president who people stop believing in towards the end of their term. I know that you hear about the people losing confidences in the president in the middle of their term but Bush is the first that people did not believe when he was leaving the office.

You had 34% of Democrats, independents and Republicans who not only disapproved of Bush but that they were also very critical of his performance as the president. When Reagan and Clinton left officer they had a higher rate with 68% of the people believing in them. They made many mistakes but also helped everyone out and let they have a higher rate then Bush. Even his father had a better rate then he with 54% of people believing in him. When Jimmy Carter left, he even had a better rate at 44%, then that of Bush. To me that says a lot to people who though that Bush was the best presidents for the US. But those that did believe in him at the time that they elected him, they were changing their minds on who the choose for the president and they were starting to think that maybe they made a mistake in believing in Bush.

When they were asked about is overall presidency, 17% rated him at very good or good but there was an 83% that were average or poor for those that they surveyed. That is pretty bad for anyone to get a rating that low. But when they asked about Clinton when he left office his ratings were at 59% and 40% and people were mad at him for what he did and lying that he did not have sexual relationships with another women but let he had a better rating then Bush did. To me that says a lot.

When people were surveyed on the economy and the war in Iraq, 72% disapproved of the management of the economy, and there was a 71% faulted on the away that he handled the war. People did show support when September 11th happened with a 90% support because of the terrorist attaches, but that we start to fall as time moved on.

The polling started with the Gallup with the administration of Roosevelt. Even though we have had many presidents in which they have made mistakes, Bush is the only president that has both a high and low for his approval rates. Bush's many have been somewhat good at one point in their life but the matter of the fact is that people started to see that there was a problem with having him in office but it just might be too late.

The President is not the only one that is being rated as far as it goes because the vice-president is even rated on what people think. The vice-president with Bush was even rated at a new low rate in his office time at 13%. That is at an all time low for both the president and vice-president to have a low of people showing that they support their president.

What does that say about those that were elected into office in the past 8 years? That people will start to really think about who the vote into office, and instead of just going with who the believe is going to be better at the job, they will listen to everything that they have to say and then choose who could be the best and who could help us as a country.

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Again good post, but should have a bit more critique of methods.

Grade: 1.5/2
