Friday, May 8, 2009

Obama Gaining Among Bush Voters

"Pools Show Obmam Gaining Among Bush Voters"
by Jim Rutenberg and Marjorie Connelly

When you hear that we had an African American running for presidency, there will be some people that don't like the fact that we could have a President that is not white but the truth of the matter is that Obama is African American, and that he stands for those that want a different leader and world.

People did not believe in him as a president because the color of his skin. There were about a third of voters that said the would not vote to Obama because of the fact that he is black and not white. That is a lot of people who are choosing color of skin over who the person is, but also saying that if you are not white you should not be accepted because that is what society says is the way of life. Yes, at first people did not like the fact that there was, is an African American running for presidency but the truth of the matter is that those that had voted for Bush were starting to like Obama and supporting him.

But when people were polled by the New York Times/CBS News showed a different story. When he first started off his support was low but as time went up and as people started to listen to him and hear what he had to say, he had about a 51% support over McCain.

The poll was done through a nationwide telephone poll that was done from Sunday thru Wednesday. There was about 1,154 adults but 1,046 were registered voters. The margin of sampling errors was about plus or minus 3% points.

When people were asked if the votes were held today, October 24, 2008, who would the vote for? The numbers for Obama was 52%, and McCain was about 39%. When people reelected Bush into office, his highest support came from those that had income higher the $50,000 a year, married women, suburbanites, white Catholics, which now supported Obama in his race against McCain. When the polls were first done, they were surveyed after they had voted. In the week before October 24, there was a show that about 51% voted for Obama and 38% voted for McCain with a similar margin of victory as before.

One of the questions that was asked of the voters was if they believe the Obama was ready or not. The poll showed that 49% said that they believe he is not ready to take the officer, but now they believe that he was 44% not ready. As for McCain, there was a 64% believing that he is ready for office.

There was about 46% that they held unfavorable views of McCain where he had 39% favorable view of him. That was the highest level that anyone has ever had. Obama had a favorably view of about 52% and 31% unfavorably view of him.

Even though there were a lot of people who did not like or care for Obama for what ever reason there was, the one thing that they all believed in is that he could be the person that can make a change for everyone in our country. Having someone that could change the way we are is the one thing that everyone just about agree on. The country wanted someone that was different and they all know that we needed a change for the better. That is what people were seeing in Obama. Even though there were someone people who did not think that he was ready or right for the position, but in all the change is what we needed and that is what they saw in Obama because they believed that McCain was just like Bush which is what the people did not want.

The polls that were done are showing the changes in peoples opinion of Obama and McCain during the election for presidency of 2009. The polls did jump around a lot and there were some people changed their opinion on Obama as well as McCain.

The article did show from the last two presidents and were they were at the same time that Obama and McCain were at at the time of their elections. But in all they talk about all of the different parts of the election in which people changed their opinion on who they will vote for our who the favored the most. Even though the polls were jumping around and people were changing their means a lot, the polls keep up with the information and showing not just Obama's rates but also showing McCain's rates when they are reporting on Obama. You get to see what people are thinking about during the election, and you get to see who is voting for who and what their opinions are for them. Either way, the article lets you see how people are going to vote, how their opinions are changing, and how their thinking of a new era.

Showing how people are thinking and how their opinions change always shows you just how people can change their opinion in just one minute because of the fact that there was something that they either saw or heard that changed their minds on their way of thinking.. The article does not show how the got their figures just that they did a telephone survey of people that were voters and non-voters. What formula they used to figure out the percentage for each other the questions that were asked of the interviewee.

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Good post, should have a bit more critique of methods.

Grade: 1.5/2
