Friday, May 8, 2009

Support for President

"Survey Reveals Broad Support for President"
by Jeff Zeleny and Megan Thee-Brenan

How many people do you believe support President Obama? You would be surprise that Obama has some support but not a lot of people support him as of right now.

In a survey done Feb. 24, in a national telephone conducted from Wednesday thru Sunday, there was 1,112 adults with a margin of sampling error of plus/minus 3% points.

Even though there are a lot of people that do support Obama, there are still some that are not that happy with some things that are being done right now. When Obama sign the $787 billion economic stimulus plan was for political reasons, which people said that he should focus on that he said he was going to do throughout his campaign and not be the middle ground for the Republicans but to be himself like he was when he was running.

"A majority of Americans, 55%, say they are making ends meet, with more than 6 in 10 concerned that someone in their household might lose his job in the next year." Meaning that people are having a hard time just being able to pay their bills or to be able to buy food. At the same time people are concerned that someone in their household could be losing their jobs because the economic, which means that they will have an even harder time making ends meet because of the falling of the economics.

In just the short month that Obama has been in office, 63% approve of his job as of right now, with a him being in the right positions for his economic policies. Even though some say that it is going to be hard to get out of this deep recession that we are in right now, they do believe that it could happen with a lot of people and people working together as one to bring the economy back up.

The polls show that there is a major concern when it comes to being about to pay their bills, or having money for that matter of fact and that is because of the economy that we are in right now, but it is also because it does not seem that anything is changing as of let for anyone, even though we have said that it is going to take a few years to get better.

Obama has said to everyone that we are on a long run to recovery in which 53% of the public believe that the economic stimulus plan that was signed into law will help improve things, but there are some that do not believe that anything will improve or will shorten the recession.

There are a lot of people that do believe that relief is on its why and that Obama is going all that he can do to help with the problem that we are in. People do support Obama and the plans that he has for the economy even though it is going to take a long time before that help is here and everything is back to the way it was before the problems. There are those that do not believe that Obama is going to make that much of a progress with the problems that we are facing right now but they do believe that it is going to be a very slow process to get back on the right road.

In all, the survey is showing that there are someone people who believe and those who do not believe that our economy is going to be recovering as fast as everyone thinks it will recovery. But those that do not believe, know that it is going to take months if not years for was to be back on track. The survey also shows that they believe that Obama is on the right track to helping us recovery in the long run.

Believing in something and having faith that things are going to change is all that anyone can hope for and that is what Obama wants from his country, and those that are around him because he is trying everything that he can to make sure that we are all taken care of and that everyone is doing okay even if it means having billions of dollars to help out those that are having hard times, as well as helping those out that can not pay their house mortgage because Obama knows that having a home and being able to pay your bills, and have food, is very important to help and to those in his country. Having the stimulus plan that Obama signed into law is going to help everyone that is having a hard by having money in the government to help you if you need help because as anyone knows there is not always free money to help you and there is not always a president that is willing to give you money to help you out when it comes to paying for your house.

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Good post, but should have a bit more critique of methods.

Grade: 1.5/2
