Friday, May 8, 2009

Female Professors earn LESS than Males

"Study: Female Professors Earn Less Than Males"
by Pat Lohmann

In a study that was done at UNM, they found that the female professors were being paid less the the male professors and this is after Obama had signed into law that females and males get equal pay no matter what and let that is not the case for those that work at UNM.

The study was done by the Provost's Office which is called,"Faculty Compensation at UNM: Is the Reward System Equitable?" There was two parts to the study in which the first was done in 2007 and they found that the female professors made about 86.5 cent less than the male professors at UNM. What does that tell you about what UNM thinks about the female professors at UNM? When they what back to take a look at the study again in 2008 they found that for every dollar that a man makes, the females are paid about 81 cents. That is really low to be paying anyone for that matter. But that is what the Southwest Women's Law Center found for the females in Bernalilly County. But when they check for all of New Mexico, they found that for woman's pay to men is for every dollar, women make 78 cents. That is just as bad as UNM professors not getting paid that much.

The article as says that with there being about a 3% difference in pay, that just maybe there just might be some type of discrimination going on but they do say that this occurs mostly at the department level because the raises are recommended to the dean in which the deans then says yes or no to the raises amount. In the Arts and Science, they found that there is about two-thirds of men that are discriminated against women. What that could mean is that women are not that favorable in the Arts and Science department but that could also mean that there are not that many women that are welling to work in the Arts and Science department. The study never says why that this is so or what could be the problem int he Arts and Science.

The study also found that in other departments, if there were more than one-third women working, then for every male dollar, the females would make about $1.01. That is just a little bit higher than what was being said before but the case of the matter is that women are being paid less than men are.

The study also found that if there was less women in the departments, they were the ones that were paid 10% less to the male professors. Which that is saying that either way, the women professors are not getting the equal pay that they should be getting.

There are a lot more women that are working in the education fields than there are males and let they are not getting the paid that they should be getting. What I would like to know is that since Obama signed into law that if a female is equal to a male in the job place, are they, the women, now getting the same pay as males or are they still making less than males? The other thing that I would like to know is if there are any women that are making more than male in pay and if so why is that?

I would also like to know why it is that female professors are making less than males at UNM when they should be getting the same pay as males.

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Good post, but should have a bit more critique of methods.

Grade: 1.5/2
