Friday, May 8, 2009

Faith in Obama, but Mixed With Patience

"Poll Finds Faith in Obama, Mixed With Patience"
by Adam Nagourney and Marjorie Connelly

What do you thing about Obama when you first hear that he is running for presidency? What is the first think that comes to you mind when you hear about everything that he is planning on doing? There is a lot of things that come to you mind and there is a lot that you may or may not believe in when you hear that someone wants to do this and do that and people think that it is all talk but you have to believe in those on what they are saying and hoping that people will change their mind.

That's how it was with Obama when he was talking about his campaign for presidency. The New York Times/CBS polls did a telephone survey of about 1,112 adults that was conducted in January from the 11th to the 15th.

When Obama was elected to be the next president of the United States he had said that he was going to raise taxes for those that make over $200,000, improve the health care system, improve the economy, and pull the trips of out Iraq. Those are just some of the few things that Obama said that he is going to do for his country. But do the people believe that that is what he is going to do or do they believe that it is just all talk.

Even people were polled, about two-thirds said that they believed that the recession will last two years or more. When Bush left office with only 22% support from those that were interviewed, 80% believed that the nation is in the worse shape than what it was 5 years again, in which case, Obama inherited the crisis that Bush left behind because of mistakes that were made and now Obama is trying to fix the mistakes that were made.

When polled, there was 79% were optimistic that the next 4 years will be a good level for the new chief executive that would exceed that of the past 5 incoming presidents. Meaning that they believe that Obama is going to set a new standard for those presidents that are going to be coming in after his time in the office. But there were people that did not believe that Obama was the right person for the job and believed that McCain was better for the job because he was going to be like Bush. Meaning McCain is going to be doing the same things that Bush was doing well in office. So that would mean that we would have another 4 years of Bush.

"His favorable rating, at 60 percent, is the highest it has been since the Times/CBS News poll began asking about him." There are about 60% of the people that were polled that they favor Obama and what he is planning on doing for the country. People are starting to believe that Obama is the right person, and they even show support for who he has chosen for his cabinet with a 70% approval for them.

There is a show that 75% say that the economy will be stronger in the next 4 years than it is today when Obama took office, and 59% said that he will cut taxes for the middle class, and they do believe that he is going to be better then Bush was.

Last April, there were only 39% that said that things could be better in the next 5 years, but now there is about 61% that believe things are going to start to get better in the next 5 years. What changed from last April to now? Could it be that Obama is in office, or could it be that there is a whole new cabinet in office? If could be any reason in which the survey does not say why the people changed their minds from a year ago.

"In April 2007, 36 percent said it was more important to stimulate the economy, compared with 52 percent who chose the environment." What does that mean? People believe that having our economy in a better standing is somewhat more important than having clean air and having the environment helping us out to be able to live. Is having the economy more important than the environment? While from those that were polled three years go say that the economy is more important than having air to breathe.

There are people that do believe that Obama is the right person for the job of presidency. But there are still a lot of concerns for the economy and those that are having the hardest time making any money. About over half that was surveyed said that their income was just enough money to pay their bills. There is about 60% that said that they were very or somewhat concerned about how or if they were going to be able to pay their homes and how much it cost to keep their house up. But there was about 39% that said the decline in home prices affected them personally because that means that their rates could go up or that they could be picking up the cost of homes that are for sale in their neighborhoods. But also that if there are a lot of house for sale or a lot of people that are having a hard time, that effects their neighborhoods in that crime comes into their area.

There are those that do have mixed feelings about Obama but at the same time they know that they have to be patience with his plans because it is going to take a little while to be able to get everything done that he has said that he is going to be because change does not come in just one day it takes a while to get things done. Everyone knows that Obama did not have everything handed to him in perfect condition. So are people going to change their feelings towards Obama in the next few months or is the ratings going to stay the same?

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Good post, but should have a bit more critique of methods.

Grade: 1.5/2
