Friday, May 8, 2009

Economy Is Brightening

"Outlook on Economy Is Brightening, Poll Finds"
by Adam Nagourney and Megan Thee-Brenan

The polls are showing that the economy is getting better? That is something that I know that I love to hear and I think that just about anyone that is having the same hard time is loving to hear that the economy is turning around. but the question is is that if the economy is really going to start to turn around as much as they are saying that it is turning around. But the other question that comes up is if the turn around is going to last as long as they are saying that it is going to last or it is just for the time being? Or do we just have to pay it day to day and see what happens in the next few days.

In a survey that was taken by the New York Times/CBS News, they found that people approve Obama's handling of the economy, foreign policy, Iraq and Afghanistan, and we can not forget that people like the stimulus package that is to help those that are having a hard time.

in the poll, there was just about 31% that favored the view of the Republican Party which according to the Times/CBS polls, it is the lowest that it has been in the past 25 years that they have been asking this question. The survey was done through a national telephone with 998 adults, with there being a margin of sampling error of plus/minus 3% points. Only 998 people were surveyed for something that is really important, does that make any since to you that there would be such a low number of people that were interview? Was there more people that they were trying survey but they could not talk to them so maybe they just want with what they had at the time or was it because they wanted a low number of people.

With the economy the way that it is, 40% said that they had cut luxuries, and then there were 10% that cut back on necessities, but there was 31% that said the cut back on both luxuries and necessities. What does that tell you about were we are at right now if people are cutting back on necessities, that is saying that there is no money for people to be able to buy even a loaf of bread, milk, or eggs, that right there tells you a lot as to were we are at right now.

Just before Obama took the office, there was only about 15% that said the country was headed int he right direction but after Obama took office, the number went up to 39%. There was also about 79% said that we were headed in the wrong direction and not that number dropped to about 53% which is still high but the numbers are showing that people are starting to see that there is a change in those that believe in what Obama has planned for the country. When Bush was in his second month of his second term, the number was at about 42% in February of 2005, which means that more people believe more in Obama than Bush. That right there says a lot as well because the polls are showing that people believe more in the person that most thought was not going to make it as a president to someone that they believed in when the elected him into his second term.

when asked about the economy and it getting worst, before Obama, was at 54%, and after it is 34% today, and with there being about a 20% better where 7% in January, which is very low for anyone. What the 7% is saying that people did not think that the economy was getting any better and that we were headed to the worst economy recession that we have ever faced in a long time.

33% blame Bush for how the economy was and the place that we were headed while 21% blamed the financial institutions and there was a 11% that Congress was to blame for what happen to our economy.

What does it say when people truth more in their president, then they trust the Congressional Republicans? Well 3 to 1 trust more in Obama then they do with Congress, that says a lot for someone who should believe in Congress a lot more then the should believe in the president or is to be to even? Either way, at anytime you should have people believing in both the president and the Congress but when you don't then there is just a lot problem because of the fact that we should have trust in Congress but polls have spoken, we do not believe in Congress anymore.

When they were asked about his bail out plan for the banks, there was a 58% disapproval of his proposal, but when asked if it will benefit all Americans and not just bankers, there was a 47% that believe in the proposal but in February it was at 29%. If bailing out the banks helps the people, then it is OK for a lot of people but if it is just for the bankers, then don't bail out the banks because that money can and should be used for the people and not those that take the money.

"40% of Americans said they preferred a smaller government providing fewer services, while 41% preferred a bigger government with more services." What does that mean? I don't know what that means, can some please help me here. The way that I am seeing it is that people would like to have a small government that does not do much, but let others want a big government that what has control over everything and say what we do. But then again I could be wrong but I believe that the government should not be controlling everything that there should be a point when they just need to walk away and leave the people alone.

The economy looks like it is starting to improve but anyone that knows the economy, it can change in a second so it is just best to let the economy work slowly and let the economy slowly rebuild itself but of course it can always use help by having the president saying that there is money to help out those that are in need.

The article is showing that people have mixed feelings about how the economy is changing and how it is getting better. But at the same time, it is showing that people are really having a hard time just trying to make a living and to take care of their family on the little money that they have to buy food and bill their bills. It does show that it is really bad if you can not make rent or even buy the things that you need like, food or even water. The economy is in a bad shape but the stimulus plan is helping to chance things around and is helping those that need money to keep their houses.

1 comment:

Blue Star said...

Grade: 1.75/2
